Enter the Story-Dream 💫

Welcome to Dreamwoven: Storytelling in Process, a publication about weaving joy into the writing process. I’m Sarah G. Young, a writer of young adult sci-fi, fantasy, and contemporary fiction. My writing crosses genres, but always contains speculative elements and teen protagonists, taking the reader on a joyous escape with real-world depth.

Weaving joy into the writing journey

In each writer’s soul, there’s a spark of joy that was the reason we ever started writing in the first place. But along the way, something robbed us of that joy. Our utilitarian society told us that what we spend our time creating is only valuable insofar as it’s useful.

But there is inherent value in the simple fact that writing brings us joy. Writers deserve to enjoy writing no matter what. That doesn’t mean writing won’t be hard, but it’s our privilege as storytellers to follow our joy where it leads us and have fun creating our stories.

Will you join me on the journey of weaving joy into the storytelling process?

About your guide

I’m Sarah, your guide on this journey. I grew up in Colorado, so mountains must be in my blood. I moved to the high-altitude city of Bogotá, Colombia in 2014, hardly expecting that I’d meet my husband there and continue to call it “home” almost a decade later. I’m simultaneously an avid traveler and introverted homebody, who will enjoy days of sightseeing, backpacking, and exploring cultural hotspots, then need just as many days to recharge at home with blankets, books, and coffee.

As an aspiring author of Young Adult novels, I’m continually honing my craft and working toward my long-term goal of traditional publication. External goals aside, my internal journey as a writer has me learning to trust my instincts and tell the stories in my heart. I’m a dreamer who believes in the value of meaningful escapism and the power of stories to nurture sparks of worth, identity, and hope in young readers.

What I’m working on

My primary project is a Young Adult contemporary sci-fi trilogy. I’m currently revising Book 1 and drafting Book 2. I’d love to tell you more about it if you’re curious, but I prefer not to share its title or premise online, since I’m aiming for traditional publication.

But will I tell you that it’s science fiction exploring theories of the mind, consciousness, and memory? Well, yes.

Is it actually fantasy, with a magic system that pretends to be scientific because it involves quantum mechanics and cognitive science? Of course it is.

But is it more of a coming-of-age superhero story in the same vein as Spider-Man, with awkward abilities invading teens’ everyday lives, ride-or-die friendships, and real-world meaning underneath all that snarky banter? Nailed it!

What you’ll find in Dreamwoven

You’ll find me here weaving the threads of writing, imagination, and mindset on the storytelling journey. In my stories, I’m learning to follow joy where it leads me! I’m a puzzle-solver devoted to whole-making, so my writing process involves piecing together the analytical side of structure and craft with the creative heart and soul of a story into a cohesive whole.

Here’s more of what you can expect to see:

Finally, every post will include an extra little splash of magic sauce—a musical soundtrack! This is because my delight in music is truly inseparable from my writing. So listen while you read and soak up the ✨ vibes.

Join me on the journey of weaving joy into the writing process! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

Read my published short stories here: Short Fiction

Learn about the ethos of Dreamwoven in this introductory post:

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✨ Weaving joy into the story-dreaming process. Cultivating craft & nurturing wholeness in writers' mindsets. Insights along the journey from a YA Sci-fi / Fantasy author.


📚 Writer of Young Adult Sci-fi & Fantasy. Electronic music enthusiast. Avid traveler and introverted homebody. US expat in Bogotá, Colombia. Following joy in storytelling.